from Athens Eleftherios Venezelos Airport to Athens
The Famous Taxi Driver
George is a an alternative
to the taxi. The advantage to hiring George to get you to Athens
is that he is a known entity. He's a safe driver, doesn't smoke
and speaks fluent English..... If you decide to hire George then
he will give you instructions on where to meet him. But read on,
to find out more about George(who also gives personalized tours
of Athens and Greece....)
The Best Taxi Driver
in Greece
have a brand new Mercedes Taxi. Fully airconditioned and very comfortable.
I drive very carefully and I do not smoke. I can promise you that
if you take a journey with me, whether it is a half day trip in
Athens or a week long excursion around the country you will come
back with an understanding of Greece that you will treasure and
you will have perhaps the best vacation of your life. You will eat
the best food and be treated like a guest of my country and when
we say goodbye at the airport you will be saying goodbye to a friend
you will always remember and hope to see again. That is why I say
I am The Best Taxi Driver in Greece.
For more information
and prices you can e-mail: E-mail is so
unreliable these days that if you have an alternate e-mail address
that George can cc his reply this is helpful especially if you are
using hotmail, aol or other unreliable e-mail programs.)
or you can fax or phone
me, George Kokkotos at this number:
From the USA:(01130) 210 9637029
From Europe: 0030 210 9637029
Within Greece dial: 210 9637029
From the USA:(01130) 210 9637030
From Europe: 0030 210 9637030
Within Greece dial: 210 9637030
mobile phone 693-2205887(from
USA dial 01130 693-220-5887)
You can also read the
reviews of my customers at
Keep in mind that unlike
large tours which charge by the person I charge by the trip. If
you are a single person or a couple looking for another couple to
share the journey you can send an e-mail to
and your message will be posted at
For those with infants
I do have a have a car seat for the purpose of transporting your
child in safety.
3. Bus
4. George, The Famous
Taxi Driver
(or friends of George, The Famous Taxi Driver, if George is busy)